Eva Legard Center for Environmental and Coastal Studies
434 E. Polk Street
Baton Rouge, La 70802
(225) 387-2328
This program plays a key role in addressing the current and future needs of the environmental industry, including but not limited to environmental erosion, wetlands conservation, soil and native ecosystems, mitigation, and conservation efforts.
The partnership with LSU provides the specialized knowledge, skills, and resources to develop a rigorous, project-based outdoor model designed to engage students in a STEM-focused environment. The program aims to develop and implement an instructional model that increases student awareness of their environment from a scientific viewpoint and expands the pipeline of potential future scientists and researchers for industry, academia, and the government who are knowledgeable about the environmental issues and challenges in Louisiana.
The classroom field experiences and excursions are a district project-based model designed to promote the integration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) based instruction. Students will be introduced to fundamental problems, such as using renewable energy as a sustainable resource, requiring thematic, expeditionary, and exploratory learning practices taught by trained LSU teachers and staff.
Professional development, both at the district level and in partnership with LSU, is a crucial component to ensure that teachers have the expertise and support to implement the program with fidelity. The agreement with LSU includes specialized support in environmental science, including but not limited to training, program design, and field experience support. Therefore, intensive professional development activities will take place continually for teachers and staff.
The a partnership with LSU provides the system with specialized knowledge, skills and resources to develop a rigorous, project-based outdoor model designed to engage students in a STEM-focused environment that will be replicated at the elementary level.
Any student who graduates from high school with a 3.0 GPA and 19 core units would be guaranteed admission into the LSU freshman class.